We don’t have a regular’s table. Our club is focused on organizing the annual event. If you want to help, contact us. You can find contact information and information how you may help on this website. Technical know-how is not a requirement at all. Enthusiasm and reliable help are the only traits we are looking for.
Agile Graz Meetup is intended to offer the opportunity to exchange experiences and thoughts on agile methods in and beyond software development to its participants.
Main concern of Agile Graz is to serve as a local Platform for exchange of knowledge and networking. In particular, we want to emphasize that we are interested in all methods, processes and ideas that identify with the agile values according to the agile manifesto.
Details: https://www.meetup.com/Agile-Graz
A regulars table in Graz all about the topic “music production with free software” that takes place once a month.
Details: https://lists.mur.at/mailman/listinfo/ardour-stammtisch-graz
Barcamp Graz is located at FH Joanneum and is an unconference.
Participants dictate the programme directly at the event and you are able to present topics that you are passionate about and others are interested in.
Details: https://barcamp-graz.org/
We are a group of Kubernetes-/DevOps- and cloud-native-enthusiasts that share a passion for all things cloud-native. Our chapter serves as a platform to bring together people from various backgrounds and professions.
Join us at our monthly meetups, we are looking forward to meet you :-)
Details: https://cloud-native.at/graz
Learning how to communicate securely in the internet, while not neglecting fun and partying? That’s what CryptoParties is all about! In Graz, Crypto parties take place at irregular intervals, the dates can be found on the website:
Details: https://cryptoparty.at/graz
FunkFeuer Community meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month starting at 8pm in Realraum. FunkFeuer made it their business to set up a free radio Network in Graz. Everybody is welcome!
Details: https://graz.funkfeuer.at
We are a group with diverse backgrounds that got together to follow our passion of creating video games. We realized that there are many people who share that common goal, but there was no central place in Styria where we can get to know each other and do cool stuff together. So we decided to create a club that enables us to achieve the goal of establishing a lively and vibrant community.
Details: https://gamedevgraz.at
Do you like the programming Language Go from Google? You are getting tired of long compile times in C/C++ or you do not want to just write sequential programs? The idea of Go is to stay simple. Once a month, the GoGraz Members meet and talk about topics related to this programming language.
Details: https://gograz.org
Graz Computer Club (GC2) is a non-profit association that wants to teach computer and programming skills to everybody. The study of computer science or related topics should be promoted.
Everybody should have free access to information. Therefore, all publication of the club are published under a CC license.
One essential project of GC2 is the Raspjamming Event at Grazer Linuxtage.
Details: https://gc2.at
A group of JavaScript Fans in and in the surroundings of Graz. Main topics are JavaScript, Web/Mobile/Desktop development with JS, Server-Side JS (Node.js, Ringojs, Vert.x) and JS-driven databases (MongoDB, CouchDB).
Meetings are set every 2nd Tuesday of an even month.
Details: https://www.meetup.com/grazjs
LosFuzzys is a CTF team located in Graz, Europe. We are a team of people interested in information security. We participate in CTFs. We host regular meetings and trainings to learn, discuss, and socialize. We hack on stuff in the FuzzyLab on TUGraz’ Inffeldgasse Campus.
Details: https://losfuzzys.net/
The mur.at association is based in Graz, operates a server farm on site and is connected to the global network via ACOnet (Austrian Science Network). The mur.at network is a virtual, constantly expanding platform of artists and cultural workers from various disciplines to develop and promote online culture.
Details: https://mur.at/
You are a Python programmer or interested in Python? Python usergroup Graz is a loose bunch (as in no fix membership) of people who meet once a month to exchange news and knowledge about the programming language.
The group has the intention to make Python and projects based on Python better known in Graz. Also, job-seeking Python programmers may get help here.
Details: https://pygraz.org
Realraum is located at Brockmangasse 15 and is the meeting point in Graz for those who are interested in computers and electronics.
People there are working on setting up a small electronics and computer laboratory. They are all hobbyists and computer enthusiasts in Graz who want to try something, but who do not have the equipment or the space to do so at home. Furthermore, the common space offers the opportunity to exchange ideas and to realize some ideas.
Details: https://realraum.at
Rust is a modern, multi-paradigmatic low-level programming language with new concepts to ensure memory safety. In contrast to Go, there is no garbage collector, but a large typing system and an ownership model to resolve known security problems. RustGraz community is organized via Meetup and meets every last Wednesday of the month.
Details: https://www.meetup.com/Graz-Rust-Meetup
At Security-Treff-Graz (STG), people with high interest in computer security and people interested in the subject are meeting. They are meeting every 2nd Tuesday of the month, starting at 8pm, at “Brandhof”. Usually, the idea was to talk about security-related matters, but now it is also a good place to talk about topics that are beyond security. Among others, some developers of the Grml distribution are regular guests, which is why there are regularly technical discussions on special topics…
Details: https://michael-prokop.at/stg/
We are a community meeting every first wednesday of the month. We are talking about EMBUG: Embedded User Group Graz. But we don’t limit ourself to subjects around embedding; everybody is welcome! We are organized very old-school via a mailing list. Every month, the meeting location and time will be announced via the mailing list.
Your community is missing? Contact us at with the following information so we can add you to the list:
If you are interested, we welcome you to present your community at Grazer Linuxtage via a Lightning Talk. Just register a Lightning Talk for the next event!